
Hur känns det att ha hjärtflimmer?


  1. Hur känns det att ha hjärtflimmer?
  2. How does carvedilol work in the heart?
  3. Is Carvedilol a non-selective beta blocker?
  4. What are the possible side effects of carvedilol?
  5. How should I take carvedilol?

Hur känns det att ha hjärtflimmer?

En del personer med flimmer besväras av hjärtklappning, obehagskänsla i bröstet och nedsatt kondition. Svårare symptom med andfåddhet, bröstsmärta eller yrsel/svimning kan förekomma. Vissa personer känner inte alls av sitt flimmer men risken för stroke är oberoende av symtom.

How does carvedilol work in the heart?

In the heart, carvedilol has approximately 7 times higher potency for beta 1 and beta 2 adre … Carvedilol is an adrenoceptor antagonist which modulates the activity not only of beta 1 and beta 2 but also of alpha 1 adrenergic receptors present on the cell surface membrane of the human cardiac myocyte.

Is Carvedilol a non-selective beta blocker?

As stated, carvedilol is a non-selective adrenergic blocker, and more specifically, is a non-selective beta-blocker with alpha1-adrenergic receptor antagonist properties. It is a non-selective, cardiac beta-blocker with peripheral vasodilating effects.

What are the possible side effects of carvedilol?

Dizziness was one of the most common side effects in people taking carvedilol during studies. Carvedilol works by decreasing your blood pressure. If you have dizziness with the drug, it may be a sign that your blood pressure is too low. Tell your doctor if you have dizziness while taking carvedilol.

How should I take carvedilol?

Carvedilol works best if you take it with food. You may open the carvedilol capsule and sprinkle the medicine into a spoonful of pudding or applesauce to make swallowing easier. Swallow right away without chewing. Do not save the mixture for later use.