
Vad säger radio och TV lagen?


  1. Vad säger radio och TV lagen?
  2. Vad public service har med yttrandefrihet demokrati och pressfriheten att göra?
  3. Where can I find Arbitron data from NPR?
  4. Why do radio hosts refer to themselves as NPR?
  5. How do I access NPR listenership data?
  6. What are the ratings of NPR stations?

Vad säger radio och TV lagen?

Radio- och TV-lagen (SFS 2010:696) är en lag i Sverige som reglerar sändning av TV-program och ljudradio. Tillstånd att sända ges av regeringen om sändningarna finansieras med tv-avgift och i övrigt av Myndigheten för radio och tv. Tillstånden kan förenas med villkor.

Vad public service har med yttrandefrihet demokrati och pressfriheten att göra?

Det ställs politiska krav på nedskärningar, slimmat uppdrag och personliga straff mot journalister förekommer. Även i Sverige diskuteras vilken roll public service ska spela i ett demokratiskt samhälle.

Where can I find Arbitron data from NPR?

Arbitron data is also provided by Radio Research Consortium, a non-profit corporation which subscribes to the Arbitron service and distributes the data to NPR and other non-commercial stations and on its website.

Why do radio hosts refer to themselves as NPR?

In June 2010, the organization announced that it was "making a conscious effort to consistently refer to ourselves as NPR on-air and online" because NPR is the common name for the organization and the tag line "This ... is NPR" has been used by its radio hosts for many years.

How do I access NPR listenership data?

Data on NPR listening can be accessed using "respondent level" diary data. Additionally, all radio stations (public and commercial) are treated equally within the PPM data sets making NPR station listenership data much more widely available to the media planning community.

What are the ratings of NPR stations?

The Pew survey found that the NPR audience tends Democratic (17% Republican, 37% independent, 43% Democratic) and centrist (21% conservative, 39% moderate, 36% liberal). NPR stations generally subscribe to the Nielsen rating service, but are not included in published ratings and rankings such as Radio & Records.