
När kom CSS3?


  1. När kom CSS3?
  2. How do I center text in a H1 block?
  3. How do I Center a H1 block using margin 0 auto?
  4. How to make heading class look like H1 in CSS?
  5. How do I center text in an HTML page?

När kom CSS3?

År 1996 kom den första rekommendationen från W3C, CSS1....

Cascading Style Sheets
Utvecklad avW3C
Typ av formatstilmall

How do I center text in a H1 block?

You can center it by setting the width. Show activity on this post. text-align: center is best choice but if you still want to center it using margin: 0 auto you have assign some width to H1 (a block) element.

How do I Center a H1 block using margin 0 auto?

The margin:auto rule is used when you set a width on the element, which you haven't done. Show activity on this post. You can center it by setting the width. Show activity on this post. text-align: center is best choice but if you still want to center it using margin: 0 auto you have assign some width to H1 (a block) element.

How to make heading class look like H1 in CSS?

What you need to do is open your css file and look for the h1 call. The code inside isn't important; it's finding that h1 selector. (notice the comma after h1 and the name of your class w/ a period.) That will make heading class look like h1.

How do I center text in an HTML page?

text-align: center is best choice but if you still want to center it using margin: 0 auto you have assign some width to H1 (a block) element. You can center a block-level element by giving it margin-left and margin-right of auto (and it has a set width, otherwise it would be full width and wouldn’t need centering).